What are our children learning at home? Watch below this shocking video and also another video that I did for the same ad campaign.
Shocking reality in a sarcastic video that I did as a part of an ad campaign for Such Tv. Such TV is a brand new channel that is about to be launched and it will attempt to show things in the right spirit. Such TV will be entertaining audiences without resorting to vulgarity and immorality.Client: Such TV
Producer: Shabbir H. Lakhani
Ad campaign designed and executed by: www.muhammadi.me
Director and Cinematographer: Ibrahim MuhammadiAnother video that I did as a part of the same campaign illustrates the power of truth (Such)
Where money fails truth suceeds.{ If you want to support the cause of spreading the love for Allah’s beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH then click here to read this post on how you can help this noble cause. You could also produce one or more films and dedicate it as a tribute to your Parents or Murshid. }
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What do children learn from TV?
via muhammadi.me